Cherishing the Family Unit

I’ve always known how important the family unit is to society, seeing how powerful it is raising capable humans that will contribute to the world someday.

I have photographed many families and to be able to get the photographs that I capture, I have learned to really observe how that family operates together… how they speak to one another, what virtues they uphold, and what values are important to them. These qualities become clear very quickly in an intimate setting.

This family session left me leaving the beach fulfilled, not particularly as an artist, but as a fellow human being seeing another family doing it right.

Their family dynamic was calm, with each family member respecting each other’s space, and they were truly happy sharing these moments together. The children didn’t have the typical rebellion you normally see these days. They wanted to be with their parents, listened when called upon because they were also given the freedoms to play and explore as kids should have.

It gave me hope that there are other families out there that uphold virtues that build and forward our civilization. At the end of our session I turned to their mother and I said, “You are doing an amazing job as parents.”

What are important family values you cherish and uphold?